FAQs - General
1. How many cities are OTIFS operational in?
We are currently operational in Kolkata and Bangalore.
2. Do you have qualified service providers?
Definitely! We only list service providers who have a good track record or recommendation. We conduct a deep interview session with them and ensure that they know their work properly. We also hold a thorough background check up on each and every professional working with us. Only after passing our strict process are they allowed to work with OTIFS. All the professionals also go through a training session were appropriately groomed.
3. What happens if the service provider damages anything?
In the event, that this has occurred, you can contact us on our official mail id support@stellar.com or call us at + (91) 99039 64573.
4. For on-demand cleaning does someone have to be present at home when your service provider arrives?
Yes, it is always advisable to have someone present at home when the service provider reaches. We request each of our customers to take care of their personal belongings that are present in the work area. OTIFS will not be responsible for any damage or theft in case the customer fails to do so.
5. What should I do if the service provider does not arrive at the scheduled time?
If our service provider fails to reaches the place of work at the scheduled time, we arrange for a replacement at the earliest possible time. We can also register a cancellation of the work if it is convenient for you. We keep you updated about the location of our service provider so that you know how far they are from the job location.
6. What would happen if the work takes more time than expected?
We understand that your time is valuable and try to complete our work at the scheduled time frame. Some jobs may, however, require more time than expected. In such cases, we hope that you would cooperate with us to finish the job in the best manner.
7. Do I have to arrange for any supplies or would the service provider bring their own?
All the supplies needed for the job would be brought by the service provider himself. In case of any necessary items required we will be contacting you from beforehand.
8. How are the ratings of the service providers done?
After the completion of work, we ask each of our customers to provide a rating for our service. We also have a provision where the client rates the professionals as well on their overall job.
9. What would happen if I am unsatisfied with the service or the service provider?
For any complaints that you might have regarding our services, we request you to report it to our customer support team at + (91) 99039 64573. You can also mail in your complaints at support@stellar.com.
10. How do I become partner at OTIFS?
To become a partner at OTIFS you can register with us or call our customer support team at + (91) 99039 64573. We will guide you through the process of registration.
11. Are the service providers trustworthy?
Yes! We take the utmost care when we register our service providers. We do a complete background check on them before we assign them jobs. You would not have to worry about their authenticity once they are registered with us.